Corrected many skill and typographical errors, including:
I'd like to thank zyn, mrj, Daegaladh, Playtester for their assistance in identifying these skill errors.
Introduced the density of monsters, i.e. monster number / walkable cells, to the mon_info
Introduced Poring War exclusive monsters.
Brasilis, although introduced in two official regions (bRO and jRO) prior to renewal, is difficult to document correctly. Notably, Brasilis was incomplete on release which led to each region customizing the content for their localization. In some cases, we opt to document what we believe is correct rather than what was initially accurate as the content updated post release. For transparency, we document these occurrences and the rationale behind them here.
On release, many monsters had inflated health points (HP) and/or experience rewards (EXP) relative to their attack (ATK). It is expected that this discrepancy originated from renewal development, which introduced significant changes to game mechanics and monster attributes. This resulted in content that was either overly fruitful or underwhelming. By means of an illustrative example, consider the following monsters from the initial bRO release.
monster_id ATK HP bEXP jEXP CURUPIRA 140 ~ 175 8,669 1,209 850 TOUCAN 166 ~ 201 10,555 1,002 1,552 JAGUAR 192 ~ 234 12,590 1,820 1,012 HEADLESS_MULE 210 ~ 267 20,065 6,666 4,111 PIRANHA 182 ~ 223 15,882 2,445 2,023 IARA 284 ~ 352 18,952 4,689 1,500
In subsequent updates, each region modified monster attributes with reference to their playerbase. jRO opted to increase monster ATK (3~5x) to be appropriate for their HP and EXP rewards. bRO opted to decrease monster HP and EXP to be appropriate for their ATK. While there are merits to either approach, we present the bRO implementation within our interactive database as it more closely aligns with the original implementation and observed intent.
With reference to bRO's implementation, a significant portion of the original dungeon monster composition consists of weak monsters. While "atmospheric" monsters are not unheard of, e.g. Magmarings and Ghouls in Thor Volcano Nameless Island respectively, Brasilis' composition is beyond "atmospheric". Unlike the prior examples, these inclusions span multiple monster IDs, comprise 20 ~ 33% monster spawns, and are present on the final floor. Collectively, this is strong evidence that the dungeon was catered for lower level characters.
# bra_dun01 putmob "bra_dun01" 0 0 0 0 80 PIRANHA 5000 0 0 putmob "bra_dun01" 0 0 0 0 30 IARA 5000 0 0 putmob "bra_dun01" 0 0 0 0 20 MARINA 5000 0 0 putmob "bra_dun01" 0 0 0 0 15 HYDRA 5000 0 0 putmob "bra_dun01" 0 0 0 0 10 KUKRE 5000 0 0 putmob "bra_dun01" 0 0 0 0 10 PLANKTON 5000 0 0 putmob "bra_dun01" 0 0 0 0 5 BLACK_MUSHROOM 5000 0 0 # bra_dun02 putmob "bra_dun02" 0 0 0 0 60 PIRANHA 5000 0 0 putmob "bra_dun02" 0 0 0 0 110 IARA 5000 0 0 putmob "bra_dun02" 0 0 0 0 10 MARINA 5000 0 0 putmob "bra_dun02" 0 0 0 0 15 HYDRA 5000 0 0 putmob "bra_dun02" 0 0 0 0 10 KUKRE 5000 0 0 putmob "bra_dun02" 0 0 0 0 10 PLANKTON 5000 0 0 putmob "bra_dun02" 0 0 0 0 5 BLACK_MUSHROOM 5000 0 0 putmob "bra_dun02" 0 0 0 0 2 SHINING_PLANT 5000 0 0
With reference to jRO's implementation, other localized dungeons (e.g. Amatsu, Ayothaya, Luoyang, Moscovia) introduce monsters in excess of 10 ~ 20k HP on the lower levels. Headless Mule, the monster with the highest HP and EXP rewards of the new monsters, was relocated from Brasilis Field to Brasilis Dungeon to mirror its difficulty. To supplement this shift, and remain consistent with the previously discussed atmospheric context, jRO removed weak monsters (e.g. Marina, Kukre, Plankton) from the dungeon completely.
While jRO official and unofficial sources document monster drop tables and behavior, they do not preserve the item order or AI type(s). Consequently, although the monster drop tables may be assumed accurate, item order and AI type are inferred with reference to renewal data. Should the renewal monster drop table significantly differ to the extent that direct comparison is impossible, item order was inferred from a similar monster instead, e.g. Obeaune for Iara.
Updated the following components/packages to the latest versions:
Corrected many skill and typographical errors, including:
I'd like to thank zyn, mrj, and Playtester for their assistance in identifying these skill errors.
Improved the Advanced Monster Search by introducing additional filters, sort options, and constraints.
Introduced traceback links to related items for recovery bonuses to the itm_info
Restructured MSSQL tables, stored procedures, schemas and CSS to improve performance.
Introduced Advanced Map Search.
Refactored page structure to support connection pooling and other performance improvements.
Introduced a monster heatmap toggle to the map_info
On zone start, each monster is assigned a position within their spawn area. While the spawn area from this position is rectangular, the distribution exhibits decreasing probability relative to the radial distance from the centerpoint. This behavior continues until the zone server is reset and a new position for each monster is chosen.
I'd like to thank mrj, Playtester, and Doddler for their assistance in researching the implementation of monster spawns, and with additional accolades to Doddler for generating the heatmap images.
Introduced a background music toggle to the map_info
Corrected many skill and typographical errors, including:
I'd like to thank mrj & Playtester and Nikua & ckx for identifying the skill and typographical errors respectively.
Added mercenaries to mon_info
monster listing and tracebacks to mon_info
, itm_info
, and skl_info
Introduced status duration reduction from enemy luck within status formulae alongside other minor bugfixes, e.g.
quest item,Lotus_Flower_Hat
, andsec_in01
and sec_in02
Introduced the eft_info
lookup page and skill effect icons.
Introduced a cache for page queries.
Introduced the job_info
lookup page.
Introduced traceback links to related skills due to item effects or catalysts to the itm_info
lookup page.
Introduced the skl_info
lookup page.
I'd like to thank mrj for his assistance with skill mechanic research.
This update is coupled with minor schema, query, javascript, and architecture rewrites to improve performance.
Added item combination scripts to Advanced Item Search (Script).
Introduced Map Links on Map Info pages to facilitate navigation between adjacent maps. I'd like to thank RDW for his guidance on this feature's CSS and JS inclusions.
Introduced Advanced Item Search (Script).
Introduced Advanced Item Search (Ammo).
Introduced Advanced Item Search (Weapon).
Introduced Advanced Item Search (Armor).
Introduced Advanced Item Search (Heal).
Webservice made public and submitted fansite request to Warp Portal (iRO) for approval.
Introduced improved map images and graymap toggle on mouseover. I'd like to thank Doddler for providing the improved map images.
Introduced Shop Detail to map_info
lookup page.
Corrected inaccurate monster skill tooltips:
I'd like to thank Playtester for identifying these inaccuracies.
Introduced skill tooltip summaries on mouseover. The monster info page tooltips source the monster attributes, providing detailed information within the context of the current monster (e.g. offensive skills will include a damage range with reference to the monster's stats). This feature was significantly improved with the help of many individuals;
Corrected a drop rate calculation that used a divisor of 10,000 instead of 10,001.
This resulted in item drop rates above 50% showing 0.01% higher than intended.
I'd like to thank Playtester for identifying this inaccuracy.
This change has been reverted, the drop calculation uses a random number 0-9,999 inclusive (10,000 was correct). I'd like to thank mrj for identifying this inaccuracy.
Introduced Advanced Monster Search.
Introduced tooltips to highlight NPCs location and monster spawns on mouseover.
Introduced cutepet info (e.g. hunger, intimacy, related links), mon_from_mon, and mon_from_itm links (e.g. DBs and monster summons).
Introduced item_making_item info (e.g. OCAs, OPBs, etc.), item_summon_monster info (e.g. DBs, BBs, etc.), item_proc_items (e.g. Mimic Card, Myst Case Card), craft success rates on navigation pages, and misc Javascript and UX improvements. I'd like to thank mrj for his assistance with cooking and potion creation success rate disambiguation.
Introduced quick search navigation. I'd like to thank RDW for his Javascript guidance and mrj, Nikua, and Riku for their UX feedback.
Introduced crafted item info (e.g. Arrow Crafting, Alchemists, NPC quests, etc.). I'd like to thank mrj for his persistent, and difficult to implement, UX recommendations.
Introduced the itm_info
lookup page and episode filter.
I'd like to thank mrj, RDW, phaicm, and Nikua for their feedback for this feature.
Introduced the mon_info
and map_info
lookup pages.
I'd like to thank mrj, RDW, and Nikua for their assistance and/or guidance with this feature.
Introduced world map navigation. I would like to thank Nikua for assistance with small_map file generation.
Introduced the database framework for preliminary development.
Introduced ItemSummonList
and MonsterSummonList
Ragnarok Online © Gravity Corp. & Lee Myoungjin
Kokotewa ©