
Item Info

Grape [Grape 514]

A cluster of berries with smooth skin that can be fermented to make wine.

Sale Price100 (121)
Recovery Info
SP Recovery10 ~ 15 (12.5)
 SP / weight6.250
Recipe List [Chef]
Morroc Fruit Wine (5)
-57.7 ± 2% base chance
Honey Grape Juice (2)
-35.7 ± 2% base chance
Grape Juice Herbal Tea (3)
-30.7 ± 2% base chance
Recipe List [NPC]
Item Make
Monster Drop
Blue Plant10.01% Blue Herb (55.01%) Flower (10.01%) Shoot (10.01%) Stem (5.01%)
Pointed Scale (3.01%) Mastela Fruit (0.51%) Grape (10.01%) Romantic Leaf (0.03%)
Goblin Archer3.01% Goblin Mask (0.04%) Iron (2.51%) Scell (10.01%) Oridecon Arrow (30.01%)
Red Herb (6.01%) Composite Bow [4] (0.26%) Grape (3.01%) Goblin Archer Card (0.02%)
Marse3.01% Squid Ink (90.01%) Tentacle (30.01%) Blue Gemstone (2.01%) Aquamarine (0.11%)
Mystic Frozen (0.13%) Necklace of Wisdom (0.06%) Grape (3.01%) Marse Card (0.02%)
Savage3.01% Mane (90.01%) Grape (3.01%) Animal Gore (0.03%) Angled Glasses (0.02%)
Anodyne (0.11%) Rough Elunium (0.71%) Royal Jelly (0.03%) Savage Card (0.02%)
Gullinbursti2.91% Mane (35.01%) Grape (2.91%) Animal Gore (0.07%) Angled Glasses (0.02%)
Anodyne (0.16%) Belt [1] (0.02%) Zargon (1.61%) Gullinbursti Card (0.02%)
Nereid2.51% Earthworm Peeling (51.01%) Cyfar (10.01%) Blue Herb (2.31%) Icicle Whip (0.11%)
Grape (2.51%) Rough Elunium (1.81%) Elunium (0.38%) Nereid Card (0.02%)
Matyr2.01% Matyr's Leash (0.11%) Monster's Feed (50.01%) Animal Skin (55.01%) Pet Food (4.01%)
Rough Elunium (1.01%) Grape (2.01%) Apple (0.01%) Matyr Card (0.02%)
Poporing2.01% Sticky Mucus (55.01%) Garlet (15.01%) Green Herb (5.01%) Grape (2.01%)
Apple (0.06%) Main Gauche [3] (0.06%) Apple (2.51%) Poporing Card (0.02%)
Raggler2.01% Cyfar (30.01%) Feather of Birds (50.01%) Concentration Potion (2.01%) Grape (2.01%)
Wind of Verdure (0.91%) Goggles [1] (0.08%) Rough Oridecon (0.33%) Raggler Card (0.02%)
Familiar1.01% Tooth of Bat (55.01%) Falchion [4] (0.21%) Ribbon [1] (0.16%) Fly Wing (0.51%)
Grape (1.01%) Red Herb (7.01%) Concentration Potion (0.51%) Familiar Card (0.02%)
Myst0.36% Gas Mask (0.03%) Trunk (8.01%) Wig (0.11%) Rough Oridecon (0.66%)
Rough Elunium (0.98%) Anodyne (0.21%) Grape (0.36%) Myst Card (0.02%)
Killer Mantis0.26% Mantis Scythe (45.51%) Solid Shell (25.01%) Emerald (0.11%) White Herb (0.16%)
Grape (0.26%) Loki's Nail (0.02%) Mirror Shield [1] (0.02%) Killer Mantis Card (0.02%)
Monster Drop
Blue Plant (10.01%)
55.01% 10.01% 10.01% 5.01%
3.01% 0.51% 10.01% 0.03%
Goblin Archer (3.01%)
0.04% 2.51% 10.01% 30.01%
6.01% 0.26% 3.01% 0.02%
Marse (3.01%)
90.01% 30.01% 2.01% 0.11%
0.13% 0.06% 3.01% 0.02%
Savage (3.01%)
90.01% 3.01% 0.03% 0.02%
0.11% 0.71% 0.03% 0.02%
Gullinbursti (2.91%)
35.01% 2.91% 0.07% 0.02%
0.16% 0.02% 1.61% 0.02%
Nereid (2.51%)
51.01% 10.01% 2.31% 0.11%
2.51% 1.81% 0.38% 0.02%
Matyr (2.01%)
0.11% 50.01% 55.01% 4.01%
1.01% 2.01% 0.01% 0.02%
Poporing (2.01%)
55.01% 15.01% 5.01% 2.01%
0.06% 0.06% 2.51% 0.02%
Raggler (2.01%)
30.01% 50.01% 2.01% 2.01%
0.91% 0.08% 0.33% 0.02%
Familiar (1.01%)
55.01% 0.21% 0.16% 0.51%
1.01% 7.01% 0.51% 0.02%
Myst (0.36%)
0.03% 8.01% 0.11% 0.66%
0.98% 0.21% 0.36% 0.02%
Killer Mantis (0.26%)
45.51% 25.01% 0.11% 0.16%
0.26% 0.02% 0.02% 0.02%
msql28.1 ms
html0.7 ms

Ragnarok Online © Gravity Corp. & Lee Myoungjin
Kokotewa ©