
Item Info

Iron [Iron 998]

A malleable metal that's easy to temper and is commonly used to create arms and other goods.

Sale Price50 (60)
Recipe List [Archer]
100× Iron Arrow
Crafted [Blacksmith]
Smith Iron
success_chance = 40 ± 5
	+ 5 * smith_iron_lv
	+ weaponry_research_lv
	+ job_lv / 5
	+ dex / 10
	+ luk / 10
1× Iron Ore
1× Mini Furnace
Recipe List [Blacksmith]
Steel (5)
30 ± 5% base chance
Club [3] (3)
45 ± 5% base chance
Mace [3] (30)
45 ± 5% base chance
Waghnak [3] (160)
45 ± 5% base chance
Cutter [3] (25)
45 ± 5% base chance
Knife [3] (1)
45 ± 5% base chance
Main Gauche [3] (50)
45 ± 5% base chance
Katana [3] (35)
45 ± 5% base chance
Battle Axe [3] (110)
45 ± 5% base chance
Blade [3] (45)
45 ± 5% base chance
Falchion [3] (30)
45 ± 5% base chance
Sword [3] (2)
45 ± 5% base chance
Javelin [3] (3)
45 ± 5% base chance
Pike [3] (70)
45 ± 5% base chance
Spear [3] (35)
45 ± 5% base chance
Axe [3] (10)
45 ± 5% base chance
Recipe List [NPC]
Item Make
Old Blue Box
12 entries
Old Purple Box
14 entries
Monster Drop
Firelock Soldier55.01% Iron (55.01%) Apple of Archer (0.02%) Large Jellopy (14.01%) Yellow Herb (0.41%)
Yam (3.51%) Panacea (2.51%) Cyclone [2] (0.06%) Firelock Soldier Card (0.02%)
Pitman8.01% Old Pick (30.01%) Used Iron Plate (5.01%) Iron (8.01%) Steel (5.01%)
Coal (1.01%) Lantern (10.01%) Flashlight (0.81%) Pitman Card (0.02%)
Heavy Metaling5.01% Flexible Tube (40.01%) Iron Ore (10.01%) Iron (5.01%) Large Jellopy (10.01%)
Rusty Screw (2.01%) Dagger of Hunter [3] (0.06%) Jubilee (50.01%) Apple (0.01%)
Metaling5.01% Flexible Tube (40.01%) Iron Ore (10.01%) Iron (5.01%) Large Jellopy (10.01%)
Rusty Screw (2.01%) Crimson Bolt [2] (0.06%) Jubilee (50.01%) Metaling Card (0.02%)
Waste Stove5.01% Battered Kettle (10.01%) Burnt Tree (10.01%) Iron (5.01%) Rusty Iron (0.51%)
Iron Ore (10.01%) Dead Branch (0.51%) Used Iron Plate (38.01%) Waste Stove Card (0.02%)
Skeleton Worker4.01% Iron (4.01%) Lantern (55.01%) Rough Elunium (0.91%) Safety Helmet (0.03%)
Steel (1.01%) Coal (2.01%) Iron Ore (8.01%) Skel Worker Card (0.02%)
Panzer Goblin3.61% Cyfar (44.14%) Brigan (35.01%) Steel (1.81%) Iron (3.61%)
Coal (5.81%) Butcher (0.06%) Flame Heart (1.61%) Panzer Goblin Card (0.02%)
Golem3.51% Steel (1.51%) Stone Heart (90.01%) Zargon (2.21%) Rough Elunium (0.71%)
Coal (2.11%) Yellow Gemstone (2.01%) Iron (3.51%) Golem Card (0.02%)
Cruiser3.21% Manacles (9.01%) Monk Hat (0.03%) Iron (3.21%) Rough Wind (0.06%)
Scell (35.01%) Branch [3] (0.06%) Rough Oridecon (0.88%) Cruiser Card (0.02%)
Goblin Steamrider3.01% Scell (25.01%) Cyfar (38.81%) Iron (3.01%) Steel (0.56%)
Coal (3.21%) Garrison [1] (0.06%) Rough Elunium (1.25%) Goblin Steamrider Card (0.02%)
Iron Fist3.01% Tail of Steel Scorpion (53.36%) Rough Elunium (2.30%) Rough Elunium (0.23%) Iron Ore (7.51%)
Steel (1.81%) Iron (3.01%) Apple (0.01%) Iron Fist Card (0.02%)
Orc Lady3.01% Cyfar (46.57%) Iron (3.01%) Earring (0.02%) Wedding Veil (0.02%)
Professional Cooking Kit (0.11%) Level 6 Cookbook (0.04%) Wedding Dress (0.02%) Orc Lady Card (0.02%)
Goblin#wind2.71% Iron (2.71%) Scell (90.01%) Rough Oridecon (0.44%) Goblin Mask (0.04%)
Dirk [3] (0.11%) Buckler [1] (0.06%) Red Herb (18.01%) Goblin Card (0.02%)
Goblin#fire2.51% Iron (2.51%) Scell (90.01%) Indian Fillet (0.04%) Flail [3] (0.11%)
Buckler [1] (0.02%) Red Herb (15.51%) Goblin Mask (0.04%) Goblin Card (0.02%)
Goblin Archer2.51% Goblin Mask (0.04%) Iron (2.51%) Scell (10.01%) Oridecon Arrow (30.01%)
Red Herb (6.01%) Composite Bow [4] (0.26%) Grape (3.01%) Goblin Archer Card (0.02%)
Goblin#poison2.31% Iron (2.31%) Scell (90.01%) Red Bandana (0.04%) Surprised Mask (0.16%)
Buckler [1] (0.02%) Red Herb (15.51%) Yellow Herb (2.21%) Goblin Card (0.02%)
Christmas Orc2.11% Iron (2.11%) Orcish Voucher (55.01%) Rough Oridecon (0.41%) Wrapping Paper (16.01%)
Battle Axe [4] (0.11%) Gift Box#box (0.16%) Wrapping Lace (16.01%) Orc Warrior Card (0.02%)
Orc Warrior2.11% Iron (2.11%) Orcish Voucher (90.01%) Rough Oridecon (0.41%) Cigarette (0.04%)
Battle Axe [4] (0.11%) Orcish Axe (0.06%) Axe [3] (1.01%) Orc Warrior Card (0.02%)
Steel Chonchon2.01% Wind of Verdure (0.91%) Steel (0.31%) Garlet (24.01%) Shell (90.01%)
Solid Shell (0.31%) Iron (2.01%) Iron Ore (3.01%) Steel Chonchon Card (0.02%)
Zerom1.91% Emveretarcon (0.56%) Iron (1.91%) Pantie (2.01%) Gangster Mask (0.04%)
Shackles (0.11%) Iron Ore (3.01%) Iron Ore (3.01%) Zerom Card (0.02%)
Goblin#earth1.71% Green Live (1.01%) Iron (1.71%) Poker Face (0.16%) Zorro Masque (0.04%)
Smasher [3] (0.11%) Buckler [1] (0.02%) Red Herb (15.01%) Goblin Card (0.02%)
Goblin#water1.51% Iron (1.51%) Scell (90.01%) Wand [3] (0.16%) Buckler [1] (0.02%)
Annoyed Mask (0.16%) Red Herb (15.01%) Yellow Herb (2.21%) Goblin Card (0.02%)
Chonchon0.51% Iron (0.51%) Shell (65.01%) Jellopy (15.01%) Cutter [4] (0.56%)
Fly Wing (1.01%) Chonchon Doll (0.06%) Iron Ore (1.51%) Chonchon Card (0.02%)
Chonchon0.51% Iron (0.51%) Shell (55.01%) Jellopy (15.01%) Cutter [4] (0.56%)
Fly Wing (1.01%) Chonchon Doll (0.06%) Apple (0.01%) Chonchon Card (0.02%)
Monster Drop
Firelock Soldier (55.01%)
55.01% 0.02% 14.01% 0.41%
3.51% 2.51% 0.06% 0.02%
Pitman (8.01%)
30.01% 5.01% 8.01% 5.01%
1.01% 10.01% 0.81% 0.02%
Heavy Metaling (5.01%)
40.01% 10.01% 5.01% 10.01%
2.01% 0.06% 50.01% 0.01%
Metaling (5.01%)
40.01% 10.01% 5.01% 10.01%
2.01% 0.06% 50.01% 0.02%
Waste Stove (5.01%)
10.01% 10.01% 5.01% 0.51%
10.01% 0.51% 38.01% 0.02%
Skeleton Worker (4.01%)
4.01% 55.01% 0.91% 0.03%
1.01% 2.01% 8.01% 0.02%
Panzer Goblin (3.61%)
44.14% 35.01% 1.81% 3.61%
5.81% 0.06% 1.61% 0.02%
Golem (3.51%)
1.51% 90.01% 2.21% 0.71%
2.11% 2.01% 3.51% 0.02%
Cruiser (3.21%)
9.01% 0.03% 3.21% 0.06%
35.01% 0.06% 0.88% 0.02%
Goblin Steamrider (3.01%)
25.01% 38.81% 3.01% 0.56%
3.21% 0.06% 1.25% 0.02%
Iron Fist (3.01%)
53.36% 2.30% 0.23% 7.51%
1.81% 3.01% 0.01% 0.02%
Orc Lady (3.01%)
46.57% 3.01% 0.02% 0.02%
0.11% 0.04% 0.02% 0.02%
Goblin#wind (2.71%)
2.71% 90.01% 0.44% 0.04%
0.11% 0.06% 18.01% 0.02%
Goblin#fire (2.51%)
2.51% 90.01% 0.04% 0.11%
0.02% 15.51% 0.04% 0.02%
Goblin Archer (2.51%)
0.04% 2.51% 10.01% 30.01%
6.01% 0.26% 3.01% 0.02%
Goblin#poison (2.31%)
2.31% 90.01% 0.04% 0.16%
0.02% 15.51% 2.21% 0.02%
Christmas Orc (2.11%)
2.11% 55.01% 0.41% 16.01%
0.11% 0.16% 16.01% 0.02%
Orc Warrior (2.11%)
2.11% 90.01% 0.41% 0.04%
0.11% 0.06% 1.01% 0.02%
Steel Chonchon (2.01%)
0.91% 0.31% 24.01% 90.01%
0.31% 2.01% 3.01% 0.02%
Zerom (1.91%)
0.56% 1.91% 2.01% 0.04%
0.11% 3.01% 3.01% 0.02%
Goblin#earth (1.71%)
1.01% 1.71% 0.16% 0.04%
0.11% 0.02% 15.01% 0.02%
Goblin#water (1.51%)
1.51% 90.01% 0.16% 0.02%
0.16% 15.01% 2.21% 0.02%
Chonchon (0.51%)
0.51% 65.01% 15.01% 0.56%
1.01% 0.06% 1.51% 0.02%
Chonchon (0.51%)
0.51% 55.01% 15.01% 0.56%
1.01% 0.06% 0.01% 0.02%
msql35.8 ms
html0.8 ms

Ragnarok Online © Gravity Corp. & Lee Myoungjin
Kokotewa ©