
Item Info

Star Dust [Sparkling_Dust 1001]

A collection of stardust which can be refined into a Star Crumb.

Sale Price750 (907)
Recipe List [Archer]
10× Flash Arrow
Recipe List [Blacksmith]
Item Make
Old Blue Box
12 entries
Old Purple Box
14 entries
Monster Drop
Bathory2.01% Star Dust (2.01%) Witch Starsand (48.51%) Wizard Hat (0.04%) Arc Wand [2] (0.06%)
Star Crumb (0.31%) Old Magicbook (0.16%) Old Broom (0.21%) Bathory Card (0.02%)
Sandman2.01% Great Nature (0.36%) Grit (53.36%) Rough Elunium (1.19%) Fine Sand (3.51%)
Star Dust (2.01%) Katar of Quaking (0.02%) Hypnotist's Staff [2] (0.06%) Sandman Card (0.02%)
Giant Whisper1.51% Star Dust (1.51%) Fabric (53.36%) Halo (0.02%) Silver Robe [1] (0.11%)
Apple (0.01%) Apple (0.01%) Apple (0.01%) Giant Whisper Card (0.02%)
Whisper1.51% Star Dust (1.51%) Fabric (53.36%) Halo (0.02%) Silver Robe [1] (0.11%)
Apple (0.01%) Apple (0.01%) Apple (0.01%) Whisper Card (0.02%)
Tri Joint1.41% Cyfar (1.01%) Solid Shell (3.81%) Aloevera (2.01%) Green Live (1.61%)
Star Dust (1.41%) Apple (0.01%) Rough Elunium (1.07%) Tri Joint Card (0.02%)
Giearth1.01% Great Nature (0.31%) Coal (1.51%) Elder Pixie's Moustache (55.01%) Elven Ears (0.02%)
Cap [1] (0.11%) Star Dust (1.01%) Apple (0.01%) Giearth Card (0.02%)
Crab0.14% Crab Shell (55.01%) Nipper (15.01%) Stone (7.01%) Star Dust (0.14%)
Apple (0.01%) Apple (0.01%) Rough Elunium (0.38%) Crab Card (0.02%)
Dustiness0.11% Moth Dust (90.01%) Moth Wings (5.01%) Masquerade (0.05%) Insect Feeler (20.01%)
Star Dust (0.11%) Red Herb (12.01%) Apple (0.01%) Dustiness Card (0.02%)
Shellfish0.11% Clam Shell (55.01%) Clam Flesh (10.01%) Stone (5.01%) Grit (10.01%)
Star Dust (0.11%) Apple (0.01%) Rough Elunium (0.19%) Shellfish Card (0.02%)
Whisper#immobile0.11% Star Dust (0.11%) Fabric (1.01%) Halo (0.01%) Silver Robe [1] (0.02%)
Apple (0.01%) Apple (0.01%) Apple (0.01%) Whisper Card (0.01%)
Deniro0.09% Worm Peeling (90.01%) Garlet (30.01%) Sticky Mucus (12.01%) Red Blood (0.51%)
Star Dust (0.09%) Iron Ore (4.51%) Rough Elunium (0.35%) Andre Card (0.02%)
Piere0.06% Worm Peeling (90.01%) Garlet (11.01%) Sticky Mucus (6.01%) Wind of Verdure (0.31%)
Star Dust (0.06%) Iron Ore (4.01%) Rough Elunium (0.32%) Andre Card (0.02%)
Andre0.05% Worm Peeling (90.01%) Garlet (10.01%) Sticky Mucus (5.01%) Green Live (0.51%)
Star Dust (0.05%) Iron Ore (3.51%) Rough Elunium (0.29%) Andre Card (0.02%)
Monster Drop
Bathory (2.01%)
2.01% 48.51% 0.04% 0.06%
0.31% 0.16% 0.21% 0.02%
Sandman (2.01%)
0.36% 53.36% 1.19% 3.51%
2.01% 0.02% 0.06% 0.02%
Giant Whisper (1.51%)
1.51% 53.36% 0.02% 0.11%
0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.02%
Whisper (1.51%)
1.51% 53.36% 0.02% 0.11%
0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.02%
Tri Joint (1.41%)
1.01% 3.81% 2.01% 1.61%
1.41% 0.01% 1.07% 0.02%
Giearth (1.01%)
0.31% 1.51% 55.01% 0.02%
0.11% 1.01% 0.01% 0.02%
Crab (0.14%)
55.01% 15.01% 7.01% 0.14%
0.01% 0.01% 0.38% 0.02%
Dustiness (0.11%)
90.01% 5.01% 0.05% 20.01%
0.11% 12.01% 0.01% 0.02%
Shellfish (0.11%)
55.01% 10.01% 5.01% 10.01%
0.11% 0.01% 0.19% 0.02%
Whisper#immobile (0.11%)
0.11% 1.01% 0.01% 0.02%
0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.01%
Deniro (0.09%)
90.01% 30.01% 12.01% 0.51%
0.09% 4.51% 0.35% 0.02%
Piere (0.06%)
90.01% 11.01% 6.01% 0.31%
0.06% 4.01% 0.32% 0.02%
Andre (0.05%)
90.01% 10.01% 5.01% 0.51%
0.05% 3.51% 0.29% 0.02%
msql31.3 ms
html1.0 ms

Ragnarok Online © Gravity Corp. & Lee Myoungjin
Kokotewa ©