
Item Info

Yellow Gemstone [Yellow_Gemstone 715]

A crystal that acts as catalyst for certain magic spells. Once used, it becomes powerless and is destroyed.

Sale Price300 (363)
Skill Catalyst
Summon a Basilica to create a no combat zone.
Dispel ground enchantments in an area of effect by chance.
Hocus Pocus
Cast a skill at random from non-transcendent, non-expanded class, non-monster, and Hocus Pocus exclusive skills.
Hocus Pocus
Summon a Deluge to an area of effect. While within the Deluge, water attacks are amplified and water element entities have increased max HP.
Dispel most temporary enchantments and detriments from the target by chance.
Magnetic Earth
Summon a Magnetic Earth to an area of effect. Magnetic Earth prevents and dispels most ground enchantments.
Magnetic Earth
Summon a Whirlwind to an area of effect. While within the Whirlwind, wind attacks are amplified and wind element entities have increased FLEE.
Summon a Volcano to an area of effect. While within the Volcano, fire attacks are amplified and fire element entities have increased ATK.
Recipe List [Archer]
30× Stone Arrow
1× Sleep Arrow
Recipe List [Alchemist]
Earthproof Potion (1)
0% base chance
Crafted (1) [NPC - payon]
payon (173, 238)
100% success chance
2× Red Gemstone
Recipe List [NPC]
Item Make
Old Blue Box
12 entries
Old Purple Box
14 entries
Monster Drop
Demon Fungus38.81% Bacillus (40.75%) Mould Powder (45.60%) Yellow Gemstone (38.81%) Witch Starsand (50.01%)
Apple (0.01%) Apple (0.01%) Apple (0.01%) Demon Fungus Card (0.02%)
Driller38.81% Frill (75.01%) Yellow Gemstone (38.81%) Red Gemstone (35.01%) Apple (0.01%)
Apple (0.01%) Apple (0.01%) Apple (0.01%) Driller Card (0.02%)
False Angel10.01% False Angel Wing (0.01%) False Heaven Ring (0.01%) Blue Gemstone (10.01%) Yellow Gemstone (10.01%)
Red Gemstone (10.01%) Cursed Water (10.01%) Carrot Whip (0.21%) False Angel Card (0.02%)
Punk8.01% Mould Powder (53.36%) Yellow Gemstone (8.01%) Pacifier (1.01%) Witch Starsand (10.01%)
Moth Dust (30.01%) Fly Wing (11.01%) Hood [1] (0.16%) Punk Card (0.02%)
Frilldora2.01% Frill (55.01%) Rough Elunium (0.91%) Reptile Tongue (15.01%) Emerald (0.16%)
Yellow Gemstone (2.01%) Red Herb (8.01%) Zargon (1.21%) Frilldora Card (0.02%)
Golem2.01% Steel (1.51%) Stone Heart (90.01%) Zargon (2.21%) Rough Elunium (0.71%)
Coal (2.11%) Yellow Gemstone (2.01%) Iron (3.51%) Golem Card (0.02%)
Cobalt Mineral1.01% Crystal Fragment (30.01%) Topaz (5.01%) Elemental Sword [3] (0.06%) Oridecon (0.81%)
Emveretarcon (8.01%) Yellow Gemstone (1.01%) Gold (0.03%) Emperium (0.03%)
Mineral1.01% Crystal Fragment (30.01%) Topaz (5.01%) Emperium (0.03%) Oridecon (0.81%)
Emveretarcon (8.01%) Yellow Gemstone (1.01%) Gold (0.03%) Mineral Card (0.02%)
Plasma#ghost1.01% Scell (1.01%) Gift Box#box (0.11%) 2 Carat Diamond (0.03%) Yellow Gemstone (1.01%)
Gold (0.02%) Apple (0.01%) Apple (0.01%) Plasma Card (0.02%)
Condor0.81% Talon (90.01%) Bow [4] (1.51%) Yellow Gemstone (0.81%) Arrow (55.01%)
Meat (4.01%) Feather of Birds (20.01%) Orange (6.01%) Condor Card (0.02%)
Picky0.51% Feather of Birds (90.01%) Feather (7.01%) Cotton Shirt [1] (1.51%) Red Herb (5.51%)
Milk (3.01%) Yellow Gemstone (0.51%) Apple (0.01%) Picky Card (0.02%)
Picky#eggshell0.51% Feather of Birds (90.01%) Feather (7.01%) Egg Shell (0.11%) Red Herb (6.01%)
Milk (3.01%) Yellow Gemstone (0.51%) Tiny Egg Shell (0.11%) Picky Egg Card (0.02%)
Monster Drop
Demon Fungus (38.81%)
40.75% 45.60% 38.81% 50.01%
0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.02%
Driller (38.81%)
75.01% 38.81% 35.01% 0.01%
0.01% 0.01% 0.01% 0.02%
False Angel (10.01%)
0.01% 0.01% 10.01% 10.01%
10.01% 10.01% 0.21% 0.02%
Punk (8.01%)
53.36% 8.01% 1.01% 10.01%
30.01% 11.01% 0.16% 0.02%
Frilldora (2.01%)
55.01% 0.91% 15.01% 0.16%
2.01% 8.01% 1.21% 0.02%
Golem (2.01%)
1.51% 90.01% 2.21% 0.71%
2.11% 2.01% 3.51% 0.02%
Cobalt Mineral (1.01%)
30.01% 5.01% 0.06% 0.81%
8.01% 1.01% 0.03% 0.03%
Mineral (1.01%)
30.01% 5.01% 0.03% 0.81%
8.01% 1.01% 0.03% 0.02%
Plasma#ghost (1.01%)
1.01% 0.11% 0.03% 1.01%
0.02% 0.01% 0.01% 0.02%
Condor (0.81%)
90.01% 1.51% 0.81% 55.01%
4.01% 20.01% 6.01% 0.02%
Picky (0.51%)
90.01% 7.01% 1.51% 5.51%
3.01% 0.51% 0.01% 0.02%
Picky#eggshell (0.51%)
90.01% 7.01% 0.11% 6.01%
3.01% 0.51% 0.11% 0.02%
msql38.4 ms
html0.7 ms

Ragnarok Online © Gravity Corp. & Lee Myoungjin
Kokotewa ©